(roughly sorted by pride)
Helping Hands - Nonprofit providing free deliveries to elderly & immunocompromised during COVID
Geobells - A location-based reminders app (way back from 2012 when apps were fresh and cool)
UTCTF - An international computer security contest, we got 5000 teams! - Advice for college students (I used to worry about the student debt crisis)
Scrambler - A device built for a hardware contest that got 1st back in high school
manaTEAMS - Easily check your grades (looking back, I think my high school was not normal...)
Big Wave Shoulder Surfing - Using camera surveillance to steal handwriting
Battlecode - My entry into the Battlecode 2018 competition, placing 9th
Scrapsort - A computer vision based recycling sorter
RFID Lock - An automated RFID lock for my dorm
Deep Drone - Investigating using reinforcement learning to fly a drone
Robocup@Home - Training a Toyota HSR robot to pick up groceries
Water Alarm - An alarm clock that dumps water on my head
LASACTF - An online computer security competition for high schoolers
ResuMod - A lightweight modular resume template
QuickHAC - View your AISD and RRISD assignments
Golden Gate Science Olympiad - A Science Olympiad competition at Berkeley and Stanford
Boardly - A remountable device to draw on whiteboards automatically
Synonym Control F - Find synonyms on a page
SmArtGallery - We tried to put art online...
Linquist - Instantly publish your bookmarks
LASA SciO - LASA Science Olympiad team homepage